
March 29, 2019
Public work
March 29, 2019


✓ 2013. Pljevaljska Eko – patrol. Donor EU, Green Action – Croatia.

✓ 2013. “Let’s clean the river Cehotin”. Partner: PUC “Purity”. Donor: Norwegian Embassy.

✓ 2014 Cleaning the riverbed of Ćehotina river. Donor. Employment Service of Montenegro.

✓ 2014 Afforestation of Pljevlja troughs. Donor. Employment Service of Montenegro.

✓ 2017. Arranging and equipping of the viewpoint above the Otilović Lake and the Perova Luka picnic, Donor: Municipality of Pljevlja.

✓ 2017. Maintenance of workshops on environmental protection in rural schools. Partnership with USA Coner Pljevlja.

✓ 2017. Better Life for Pljevlja. Donor: EU.